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Skin problem with my leopard gecko

22 11:48:50

Skin problem 1
Skin problem 1  

Skin problem 2
Skin problem 2  
Not sure what this is, or how to treat. Can you help!? Thanks

Hi Stephanie,

I may need a bit more information. In the photos you provided (thank you!) I can see some  loose skin on his head and nose and his body colour looks quite dull. The toes also look a  little white. From those factors it actually just appears to be the start of a normal shed cycle. How long have you had your leo and have you witnessed him going through a shed before?
When was the last one approximately and was it complete. Are the white areas on his face left over from the last shedding cycle?

Leos can run into difficulties with shedding such as old retained skin on their head, eyes and toes. It is frequently caused by low humidity making it more common in the winter months.

Do you have a humid hide in his enclosure? They will usually seek out a more humid environment when they are in the early part of the shedding process. A humid hide can be something as simple as a margarine container with a small entry hole and a few layers of moist paper towel inside.