Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Skink


22 13:29:44

I have a schneider skink that has not eaten for almost 3
weeks now. She has been dragging her back leg, it is swollen
and there is a fairly good sized bump on her back by her hip
area (where the leg meets the body). There is nothing in the
cage that she could have hurt herself on. We have had her
for almost 5 years now. She was only $30 and the vet wants
allot more just to look at her. Money is tight, does she
need to see a vet. Any idea what it could be? Thanks for any
info you can provide.

Well, I would ask first of all what is in the enclosure as this will help me determine what may have caused such a injury.  Off the top of my head I can think of nothing which would have occurred naturally or disease wise to cause this.  It sounds like an abscess of some kind.  It could also be a dislocation either way if the quality of life is being effected then I would definitely seek a veterinarian to look at it.  I would ask the vet if there was a payment plan option and they will most likely work with you.