Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > leopard geiko

leopard geiko

22 14:32:40

We have a geiko we recently go from our neighbor.  He is approx. 1 1/2 years old.  He is in a tank with a female geiko.   The male geiko (at least we were told it was the male) continue to go to the water dish and just lay in it.  The temp is at 82 degrees.  The female seems fine.  
Any idea why he would keep going to the water dish?  Should we be concerned?

Hello Betty,

Sometimes, when they go to the water dish continually, & lay in it that they may not be feeling well.  How do his stools look, are they runny or smelly?
Do you have an undertank heater on 24/7?  You should get a low wattage basking bulb to use in conjunction with the undertank heater to get a hot spot of around 88-90.  The cool area can be around 78-82.  
What type of substrate are you using?  
