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Leo Gecko burnt

22 14:17:00

My boyfriend and I recently (about a month ago) got a leopard gecko.  Last night, as my boyfriend was holding him, the gecko jumped out of his hands and ended up climbing into a baseboard heater that was on.  We got him out fairly quickly, but he did sustain some burns to the bottom of his mouth and his feet.  Is there any special care we should be giving him?

Hello Angela,

Ouch, sorry to hear that!  Accidents happen & with them they happen fast as they are so quick.  
You can order Thermazene from amazon which is excellent in helping burns heal up.  It is basically silver cream, & is very good.
I hope he gets better quickly.
Also, make sure you do not have any loose substrate in the tank.  If you do, change it to paper towels instead.
