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cant get my baby bearded dragon to eat...

22 14:00:00

hi there i have a 6 week old baby bearded dragon who wont eat.. i have tired feeding him orally but he wont open his mouth and i don't want to hurt him... how can i get him to open his mouth without hurting him???

Hi Teala, I might need a follow-up from you with some more info. How long have you had this bearded? It is quite common for newly acquired dragons to not eat for several days or up to a week after they are placed in a new environment. They just need time to settle in and feel comfortable and secure. Also, what is the basking temperature in the hot end of the tank? Reptile appetites are very dependent on temperature, if he cannot warm himself up sufficiently he is unlikley to eat. The basking temperature should be in the 95 - 105F range. What is his behaviour like otherwise? Is he basking and does he seem alert, active and bright eyed or is he just laying there seeming weak with half closed eyes? If he does not seem alert etc then it sounds like there is an underlying problem that is causing him not to eat and a vet is your best option. Not eating is a symptom of numerous health problems and also a symptom of stress.
Force feeding is incredibly stressful to any animal and that may be contributing to the problem. I consider force-feeding an avenue of last resort. If he does not appear otherwise sick then my best advice is to check your temperatures, soak him in a little tepid water for hydration but don't handle him otherwise at all for a few days. Offer him small crickets and a few small mealworms or waxworms to see if that triggers a feeding response.