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eastern water dragon lethargic wont eat

22 14:02:05

hi there,
We have a pair of eastern water dragons the male is fine however this morning we have found our female Zelda very lethargic she wont eat or drink can hardly move.
We put her in a warm bath which she didnt like she rolled over in the water and look like she was dying almost.What could you suggest as we dont have enough money for a vet until next week.if you could help that would be great
thanks and hoping to hear back from you
sarah brandon

Hi Sarah, How heartbreaking. I really wish that her symptoms were specific enough that I could recommend some course of action to you. Even if you could e-mail the top reptile vets they could, at best, only  guess at what could be affecting her.
My first thought (since she is with a male) was some egg-related complication until I noticed you were in Australia and outside their normal breeding season.
I would keep her in a separate enclosure if you can to keep her stress down and keep her hydrated and then concentrate on getting her to a vet that will see her sooner then next week. Most vets are pretty understanding about this type of thing, if you explain your situation to them, you should be able to work something out. I'm sorry I could not be of any real help with Zelda, good luck.