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my bearded

22 14:52:06

my bearded dragon won't eat lettece, or even crikets,his fav. food. he just sits there, while the crikets climb on his head.he wont even move, and his left front leg, lost its scales. what can i do?

 First, you must rule out whether your dragon has parasites upsetting his tummy, so he will need a visit to a good reptile veterinarian.  If his fecal test is clear, he may just be uncomfortable during shedding.  Baby dragons shed their skin as they grow almost constantly, adult dragons will shed once or twice a year.  A nice lukewarm bath may help make him comfortable and make the shed easier to fall off.  You must never pull at it.
 A good dragon salad should not contain lettuce.  They need good calcium rich greens, collards, mustard greens, turnip greens, dandelion greens, arugula, at least three of these per meal, and two lovely veggies, like winter squashes, sweet potato, green beans, nicely grated.