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Bearded Dragon housing

22 11:50:57

I have an 8 month old male bearded dragon and a 10 month old female bearded dragon in separate tank, the male in a 40 gallon and the female in a 20 because she is smaller. i was thinking about breeding them in the future and i was wondering if and how i should house them together. thank you

I feel I have answered your question and your ratings are nothing more than being nasty, which I have no idea why.  You asked if they should be housed together...I answered your question and gave you more important info.  RE READ my answer!!!    YOU ASKED IF they should be housed together...  I answered you based on the fact you stated that you plan to breed them.  IF you would not have stated you plan to breed them, I would have told you never to house them together.

Hi Jon,
The only time they should be housed together is for a short period during breeding season. For the rest of the time they need to have their own habitat.  When they are housed together all of the time there is so much stress that they both suffer. Your female does also need to be in a larger least a 40 gallon so that the proper temperature zones(3) can be given.
Also, they should bot be bred until they are two years old or older for health reasons/safety.
Here are 3 good sites on beardies.