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HELP!!! My BD is acting really wierd

22 14:32:37

I need some advice on my beardie. He is almost 2 1/2. I have had him since he was a baby. He is usually a very happy healthy lizard untill today. I have all the proper lights, bedding and feed him a proper diet.

Today I got up and checked on him like I do every morning before work. I looked in and I though he was dead. I picked him up and he didnt move. He was floppy and didnt respond to me poking at him. So I put him in his tank and figured he had died. Of course I was heart broken.

I went to work and when I came home he was alive! He had his eyes open and had moved from where I had placed him. Now he is having problems and maybe you can tell me what it is. He keeps getting seizure like spasms. His legs go stiff and his body almost bends in half. Then after about 30 seconds he relaxes. I can feel his body twitching. It has happened a few times now and Im scared. He is also opening his mouth and licking with his toung over and over again. I have checked his mouth and throat and cant see anything stuck. His breathing is also not right. He will breath fine for a while and then all of a sudden breath really hard then spasm.

I really dont know what is going on and any info you can give me would be MUCH MUCH appreciated. We dont have a reptile vet around where we live. I would have to drive 200 miles or more to get to one. Is there anything I can tdo for him?? Please Help. THANK YOU for your time. Jess

 Jess, you may need to go those 200 miles if the seizures are not from the following:
 No proper UVB lighting
 UVB lighting that is over 6 months old
 Diet that does not have good calcium rich greens in it
 No calcium supplement

 If you are lacking any of the above or unsure whether you are, please give me exactly what you have, the complete diet, brand of supplement, Brand, model, wattage, and age of UVB source.  
 Also if the dragon's temperature is too high, and the tank temps must be measured with a digital thermometer.