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Anole Hatchling

22 14:01:52

Hello again Thea.  Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions, greatly appreciated.  Well, one of my eggs hatched and a cute little anole was in my tank this morning.  I don't know how long they will go without eating.  I've given it small fruit flies and pinhead crickets which it hasn't eaten yet.  It's only 1 day old.  When do they normally start to eat?

Hi Bryant, Congratulations! It just doesn't get much cuter then a baby anole. They continue to feed off the last of the egg yolk that they have absorbed for usually a few days. It's been many years since I dealth with hatchling anoles but I think it was 2 or 3 days before I actually saw them eat.
You didn't specify whether you have removed them from the adult tank. You need to, the adults cannot be trusted not to make a meal of their offspring.