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Mali Uromastyx broken legs?

22 13:35:57

Hey Tracie,

My girlfriend and I have noticed that our Mali Uromastyx isn't moving his back legs. He can still move his tail but he just drags his legs behind him. We think his back maybe broken. We aren't sure how this happened. We did have him out a few days ago but he seemed fine until he was back in his cage. He spends more time out under his lamps instead of hiding most of the day. He is also up later into the night. He has been moving about more often as well. As I write this I can hear him scurrying around in his cage. I am just a very concerned adoptive parent of this little guy and we want to make sure he will be okay.

Hello Alaina,

How old is your Uro?  
Can you tell me a little more about your tank setup such as what type & brand of UVB light do you use?  Is it a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  How old is the UVB light?
What type of basking light are you using?  What are the temperatures in the tank, & what type of thermometer are you using?
Do you supplement him with calcium on a regular basis?
What type of substrate do you use for him?

It could be an injury, I suppose.  Is there something that could have fallen on him in his tank, or did he fall perhaps?   Also, just based on that information, it sounds like metabolic bone disease which is caused by the lack of proper UVB lighting & calcium supplementation.

What type of foods are you feeding him?
