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chinese water dragon housing

22 14:47:41

is a 45x45x60cm tank big enough to hold a chinese water dragon of full length
i am thinking of purchasing a young and not changing the tank is this possible sizing for a dragon to be living in.
Thanx Meg

Hi Meg! I am sorry to give you bad news, but the absolute minimum tank size for an adult water dragon is 185cm by 185cm by 100cm. The enclosure you have now would be about 132 liters in area. The tank that would be the minimum for an adult would be about 3050 liters. A Chinese tree dragon would be okay in that size, is that the lizard you were meaning? In that size enclosure, if it's not the tree dragon, you should probably look at something in the gecko family. Most other lizards will outgrow an enclosure that size. Here's a link to an excellent site about the care of Water Dragons. good luck! Nicole