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egyptian uromatyx +head trauma

22 14:26:22

Hi. my name is misty. i have a very young egyptian uro who has trauma to his head and maybe neck. this happened when somehow my dog broke the box he was staying in (temporarily) when i was home. when i got back, his eyes were squeezed shut, and blood was visible in his ears but not pouring out. he is responsive to contact, but i am worried about his eyes and head. i know it was very irrisponsible of me to let this happen, but i am desperate to know if there is anything i can do at home, as i have absolutely NO money to take him to a vet. thank you for reading ~misty

Hello Misty,

Ooh, that is really sad, hon.  
Really all you can do is nurse him back to health, or try.  
Do you see any puncture type of wounds on him, etc, scratches, scrapes, etc?
Normally baths are not good for them, but if he has any dried blood on him, it might be a good idea to soak him for a few minutes & treat any abrasions that you visually see with antibiotic ointment immediately.
Are his eyes damaged, can you tell?  
You will most likely have to begin feeding him a nutritious slurry on a daily basis now, since he most likely will not be eating on his own.  So, whatever type of food you are feeding him you will need to blend it up & use a syringe or a dropper to get food into him.  You need to give him the will to live if he is not feeling well.  They have a much higher rate of survivial if we give them a reason to stick around.
So it will take more effort right now.  Maybe wrap him in a blanket nightly, & hold him while he goes to sleep.  That may comfort him more while he could be injured.  Be gentle in the case of injury.
What you need to do right now, is assess the situation.  So bathing him to get him up & around so you can see exactly where the injuries may be.

Let me know how he is doing.
