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Sailfin dragon sexing

22 14:26:00

QUESTION: How do you tell if your webers sailfin dragon is male or female

ANSWER: Hello Nicky,

Sexing is pretty eas.  How old is your sailfin dragon?  If you have a male, you should see enlarged femoral pores on the inside of the upper thighs & in front of the vent.  Or you can look for enlarged hemipenal bulges behind the vent.  
Females will not have enlarged femoral pores or enlarged hemipenal bulges.  

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It's about about 4 or 5 months old and i heard about sail buds on the tail. When does that happen and what do they look like exactly, like balls or what.Thanks

Hello Nicky,

Here is a great site for pictures & information on sailfins.

At 4 or 5 months old, most likely the sailfins on the tail will not begin to appear until he (if it is male) is at least 1 year or so.  They may begin to develop as a juvie but will not start becoming prominent until they are an adult.
