Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Squirrels


22 14:33:00

My mom and i were outside and she saw a  baby squirrel climbing a tree. It looked so cute! I wanted to keep it as a pet. A few days later i saw the squirrel hiding in a bush in my front yard. It let me go close and it wasn't afraid of me. I left nuts in a tree so it would come back. Do you think i can keep it as a pet? I think it lost it's mother.

Hello Kelsey,

It is virtually impossible to keep a squirrel as a pet.  I rescued an injured one several years ago, & after it recovered, it would not really let me near it much.  
However, it was an adult.  A young one such as the one you have seen, might be more inclined to tame down a little bit.  Has it been able to find food, I mean other than what you left for it?
If it let you close to it, you could try to see if he would let you take it in for awhile.  
Its mother might have been killed maybe?  Poor thing.
