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Leopard geckos tail tip looks strange.

22 14:10:53

I have a male leopard gecko, he eats well, and is pretty active. I've noticed that the tip of his tail (about one inch up from the tip), is kind of red and scabby looking. When I touch it, it also feels hard and crusty. It also appears that he can't move it properly; it doesn't snake around like the rest of his tail.
This is the second time it has happened, the last time this happened was about a year ago. Last year I put Neosporin on his tail for a couple days, and it went away.

I can't tell if it's unshedded skin that didn't come off, or if it's a wound. I can't find any place in the tank where he could have smashed it though.

Anyway, I don't know what it is, and I don't want it happening every year. :(


Hi Sev,
You can again apply the neosporin.  Is it possible he is biting his own tail?  Its breeding season and they can act pretty strange!! Given the area that has the problem, it very well may be him biting it himself. Generally, stuck shed isn't a problem except on the very tip of the tail.
If it doesn't clear up, or gets worse, then I would get him to a vet so that they can do a scraping to see if its a fungus or bacterial or other. The vet can also prescribe a stronger antibiotic ointment, such as Silvadene and possibly an oral antibiotic.