Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > beardie with bad eye

beardie with bad eye

22 13:58:02

Hi Tracie, i asked you this question back along and would like to say thank-you for your reply. I use a ceramic heater which is on 24/7 but drops at night when lights are out. I have since been back to the vets twice, i was given an anti-biotic as just incase he had a fungal infection which caused him to have loose stools which i stopped, took him back to the vets and i now have to inject him every 3 days with anti-biotics which does seem to perk him up slightly but still favours to keep eyes shut, he also has a pain killer to be used 3 times daily and eye lubricant which also is 3 times daily, when he does open his eyes for a moment they have a cloudyness to them. I am mashing up crickets (which is not easy!) and pipetting to him along with baby food as he has lost about 15% of his body weight! i can show you a pic of his setup but it wont allow me to attach the file! I could email you a pick if that is ok?
I also switched off the light and have had it switched of for just over 3 weeks which he seemed to be comfortable with. I am debating to go back to a repti-glo 8 what he originally had when he was a baby and did so for 3 years and never had a single problem, what do you think? Just cannot wait to see his big brown eyes again!
Thanks for your help

Hello Sarah,

Please remind me which UVB light you are using again?  Was it the Reptiglo 10 tube light?  
Are you using a bright white light for his basking light?  
If the meds are bothering him, then it might be best to discontinue them.  What is the name of the antibiotic that he is on, & what is his dosage?  
Yes, please send me a picture of him & your setup at my home email at:

He has lost that much weight?  We need to get him straightened out soon.  He does need a good UVB light though in order to absorb his calcium & vitamins adequately.  I will wait for your picture in my email box.  

How do his eyes look, are they sunken in or are they bright/elevated?  Continue feeding him the babyfood as well, that should help sustain him for awhile & keep him from losing anymore weight.
