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question about my geckos shedding

22 14:31:21

Hello! My gecko it turns like little blue this morning and I just newest he start to shedding and a friend of my son tell him if we pick it up it can die is this truth??? And I put like a teaspoon of baby food and water is this ok or what sure I need to give it to him.

Hi Karla, It is better for your gecko if he is not handled while he is shedding. Handling can interfere with the process and cause some of the old skin to remain on him. If you have been handling him, don't worry, he will certainly not die from that, nothing that serious will result. You can help your gecko through the shedding cycle by providing an area of higher humidity for him to go to. All you need is a plastic container with a hole for him to enter and some damp moss or damp paper towel inside.
You do not need to provide any type of special food while he is shedding. If you have a  leopard gecko then his regular diet of insects is fine during this time. Many reptiles may not eat for a day or two until they are finished the shedding cycle.