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burned leopard gecko please help.

22 14:37:34

I have a leoaprd gecko that somehow got under the papertowel and got burnt by the undertank heater. This was an accident and i did fix the problem. Please help. It is not a severe burnt. The burnt is on his stomach and toes. I tried putting some neosporin and managed to get some on his belly. However, he won't let me hold him. What should i do to calm him down? Please help as i love my geck and dont want to lose him because of something stupid i did. Thanks

Hello Chris,

You should try to find some thermazene, which is an antibiotic cream but much better than neosporin or polysporin.  You can find it here:

This stuff is specifically for burns, whereas the ointments are not designed for burns as well, instead, cuts, abrasions, etc.  You can try to find some aloe vera gel too, while you are ordering the thermazene.  

Let me know how he is doing.
