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Water dragon toes

22 11:51:25


 My water dragon is having a toe problem, turning black and now starting to bleed.  What am I doing wrong?  I have attached a photo of his foot.  Also I change water everyday:  eats crickets and worms and calcium powder, but will not eat when it is on them, I have to put the calcium in the water.  Any other questions feel free to ask.

  Thanks in advance for any help you any offer.

Hi  Sorry to hear about ur little guy.  here is some info i pulled off the web.  hope it helps.

Toe, Spike or end of tail damage and loss
     Darkening of, obvious damage to, and loss of toes, spikes and the end of the tail can be the result of a number of problems.

     Improper Shedding can result in the skin becoming stuck to a toe, spike or the end of the tail. If the skin remains stuck onto the appendage while the tissue below continues to grow the circulation to the area may become decreased and lead to dry gangrene, infection, and death of the tissue.

     Breaks from falls or becoming stuck in tight areas can result in broken toes, or the end of the tail snapping off. The end of the tail may also snap off if grabbed in an effort to keep the struggling animal from getting away, or may even drop suddenly when the animal is frightened by something (although this last is least likely to occur with water dragons).

     It is always wise to take your reptile in for a visit to the vet if there has been an unexplained fracture of the toe, foot or leg (for the animals sake!) because the break could be a sign and symptom of a more serious ailment such as Metabolic bone disease (often calcium deficiency). If your reptile is suffering from MBD it is best to catch it in the early stages before it becomes so serious as to cause irreparable damage (bent crooked back, misaligned jaw!) or death.