Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Reptiles?


22 14:23:40

QUESTION: Out the reptiles you know of, what do you think is something that's friendly and likes to be held that I can keep in a twenty gallon long? I already Have two leopard geckos and a Bearded dragon, Im considering getting another Beardie, but Im not sure yet

ANSWER: Hello,

Leopard Geckos and Bearded Dragons are by far the friendliest and the only ones that really tolerate being held well. Especially when you are looking at something that can fit in a 20 gallon long. Bearded Dragons require at least 45 gallon enclosure. Lots of floor space.

African Fat-Tailed Geckos are very similiar to Leopard Geckos and they tolerate being held as well.

Let me know a little bit more of what you are looking for so I can narrow it down for you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Anything but a snake.. My dad would kill me.
My pets already have the tank size they kneed, so I'm left with an empty 20. I was thinking a Chinese water dragon, but I hear they always get eye problems,


Ha ha, OK so no snakes.

Chinese Water Dragons are great pets however they get up to 3ft long and require a custom built enclosure of at least 4 feet tall, 4 feet long and 2 feet deep. And that is minimum!

Not even a maybe should be kept in a 20 especially a 20 long.

Eye problems occur often in Water Dragons but no more then they do in any other reptile.

I have had two CWD and Diego is a little over 2 feet now and has never had a health issue. Angus passed away in June from a brain aneurysm, but he never encountered any eye issues either.

How do you feel about lizards that are not social or not able to be held often??