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(Leopard Gecko) Lumps behind eyes and jaw.

22 11:50:17

My male leopard gecko, Tango, has not been eating for the past two months and has gotten rather skinny (Until the past couple days. He's been eating a few meal worms.).
About a week ago I noticed he has four lumps on his head. One behind each of his eyes and then one on each side of his jaw where it hinges. The one behind his left eye is the darkest of the lumps.

He is in a 20gal. long tank with one of my female leos. I got them within a few months of each other. They were a year to a year and a half when I got them. They have been tanks mates for over a year (since I got the male) and have had no problems with each other.  They are on repticarpet. Temp on cool side reads at 70-73 and Warm side is 80-85. They have three hides (one on cool side, one in the middle and one on the warm side.) I do not leave crickets in the tank with them as they have a thing for staying away from them if the crickets feelers touch them in the face (weird quirk?). They have a calcium dish in the tank with them and I see them licking at it from time to time.
I believe I covered everything..?

I am very worried for him and would really appreciate your expert advice.

Thank you for your time.

Hello Jordan,

How long has Tango had these lumps?  
Could the female be injuring him perhaps, or no?
That is good you don't leave any crickets in the tank with him.  It could have been a cricket bite I suppose at one point, that has gotten infected.  
Are the lumps hard or soft?  They are either a cyst, an abscess or could be a tumor of some sort.  Do you have more pictures of the top of his head?  
The lumps being so close to his eyes & brain worries me that he could get an infection in the sinus area & become more ill.  
He could have parasites possibly just from stress.  You could try to get a fecal done on him to see if he has worms or parasites.

I would increase the warm side to 88-90 if you can, to help with any infection he may have.  
Those areas do need to be checked out to make sure there is no infection going on.

Keep giving the baby food right now to help with weight loss.  Be sure to add a little bit of calcium powder in with it, too.  You could get some bee pollen to help with his immune system also.

Let me know how he is doing.