Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > leopard gecko something questionable coming out of butt.

leopard gecko something questionable coming out of butt.

22 13:29:39

QUESTION: Our gecko is about 6 years old.  Just noticed today that he has something very
large coming out of his butt.  His tail has gotten thin and he will not eat.  What
should I do for him.  I had him on sand, but took him off of it today when this
problem was noted.  It looks a little pink and white, first thought it was poop,
but know I am not so sure.

ANSWER: Hello Tabetha,

I have a feeling that is going to be a prolapse.  
Good that you have taken him off of the sand.  Did you put paper towels down instead?
You can try to soak him in a cool sugar water bath.  Dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar in some warm water.  Then, add some cool water to it, & soak him for a 10-15 minute time frame if you can.  This can sometimes help to reduce swelling in that area.
You can also get some KY jelly or vaseline to put on the area to help keep it from drying out so badly until you can get him to the vet.
What do you feed him, & are you giving calcium supplementation?

Let me know how he is doing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He is just on a bath towel.  Have been soaking him in warm water, but I will add
the sugar.  He eats meal worms, but has not eaten in several days.  I do give him
calcium and also put a little bottle top of calcium in the cage with him.  What
does it mean for him to have a prolapse?  Thanks for your help.

ANSWER: Hello Tabetha,

Ok, make sure that after you dissolve the sugar in the warm water, to add cool water.  The cooler water helps reduce the swelling.
A prolapse can be caused by many different things.  I think in this case he might be impacted by the sand.  You had mentioned the color of his stool before, & that is most likely some sand coming through his system.
He has probably had to strain too hard to go to the bathroom, if he is impacted, it will not pass easily or, at all.
What you can do right now, is do not feed anymore mealworms, crickets or any other live feeder.  Start using some canned pumpkin & sugar free applesauce along with a drop or two of olive oil. Try to get him to eat it by licking it off of the end of his nose.  Use either a plastic syringe or dropper to try & feed him.
Straining causes ruptures or tears in the GI tract, & surrounding muscles & tissues.  Once this happens repeatedly, it will cause the muscles to weaken & not hold up their muscular integrity & will collapse, or prolapse.  
Prolapses are caused by several things, nutritional deficiencies, impactions, heavy parasite loads,& egg binding.   I think in this case, it is impaction.
Do your best with him.  He does need to see a vet if that does not go back in soon.  
Let me know how things are going.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Tracie, Thanks so much for your help.  I did take him to the vet yesterday.  
The doctor first thought it could be a tumor.  He was able to pop out what I
think was just an impaction.  It was black and hard.  I am now trying to feed
him back to health and putting neosporine on his little butt.  

He did test for parasites, it was clear, he did give him some worm medication.

Thanks again, I will let you know how he is doing.

Hello Tabetha,

So, he was impacted with sand??  That is what was causing the prolapse then.  His poor little butt must be sore though!
How is he doing now?  I am so glad that you were able to get him in to see the vet & that it has fixed itself.  I hope he continues to get better for you now.
Definitely update me as to how he is doing.
