Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > RED EAR SLIDER CONDITION


22 11:50:08

picture of prtusion
picture of prtusion  
i ve a red ear slider with me for two years now..i dont know about its sex or age. yesterday i saw a protusion through the cloace ;picture attached.
pls help me if its a intestinal prolable or penis..i m from india and a vet,but here were are not to aware of marine life or turtles. pls help me diagnose it and what needs to be done.

Poor little thing!  I'm not a vet, but from what I have seen of turtles, that is a prolapsed penis.  (The widened area at the end identifies it).  It should be replaced, with a stitch to hold it in until the inflammation goes down and it heals.  Sugar paste (or equivalent) may help shrink the tissues to allow it to be put back.

If it appears to be necrotic, you may have to amputate it.  A turtle's penis is not involved with its urinary tract, so doing so is not a huge issue for the animal (unless you were intending to breed it).  Antibiotics are a good idea.  Enrofloxacin is an antibiotic commonly used in reptiles.  Always use injections for reptiles, oral antibiotics will not be well-absorbed.
Here are a few other choices:

This can occur due to a mating attempt, or other injury to the penis, which causes the tissues to swell, or damages it, so it won't retract.

Isolate the turtle and keep the water extremely clean, obviously, until it's healed.