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gecko will not eat!

22 14:47:21

Hi, i got 2 geckos just over a week ago. One is a boy n the other a girl, both about a year old. The problem is is that the girl will not eat. The man who we got them from fed them a week yesterday (sunday) and we have tried to feed her 3 time since then on crickets and even tried a pure fruit smoothie recommended but she would not eat any. The boy is fine and is eating fine. We tried feeding them together and apart and they are both about the same size so the crickets should be ok. When she is with the crickets she is squirming and trying to get up the side of the tank.. like she really doesn't want to be there and very scared. Could this just be that she needs to get used to her surroundings. She is in the same tank she has been for a year and with the boy gecko. Her tail is getting very skinny and we are worried. We have got some meal worms coming tomorrow to see if she will eat them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou Kate.

Dear Kate,
thank you for your question.
Did you ask the previous owner what he fed them? Sometimes, reptiles get so used to one type of prey that they will not accept any other. Try offering a variety of prey: roaches, locusts, silkworms, butterworms/Teboworms, flies, earthworms, woodlice.
I recommend seeing a vet with her. It's unusual that her tial is getting thin that fast, normally a week without food should not be a problem. It might be that she has some kind of internal parasite, a fecal examination should be done to rule that out.
I hope I was of some help to you