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Beardeds living together

22 14:48:13

QUESTION:  Hello,  everywhere I look on the internet it says to not keep male/female combinations together in the same tank, but I'm having some doubts.  The breeder that I bought my first dragon from keeps all of his together.  He has a 250 ( I believe, may be 200) gallon tank that he keeps his one male and 5 females in.  He says he never has problems and can control their breeding with the temperatures.  Is this a viable option?  Also, I currently have 4 bearded dragons, their ages spaced out a bit.  One is a male, and the other 3 are females.  I have a 75 gallon tank and a 125 gallon tank.  Would it be safe to keep my male in the 75 gallon and the 3 females in the 125 gallon?



ANSWER:   Hi Alex,
 I know lots of bearded dragon breeders and am one myself.  Your breeder is rather lucky, because I wouldn't try that unless the living space for that many dragons was an entire large room just as their habitat.
 Beardies are territorial like most reptiles.  Each beardie needs 6-8 square feet of territory.  95% of ethical breeders house their animals each in their own home, and allow breeding on "neutral ground" like a separate room so the female feels like she can escape if she's not interested yet.  It's much less stress on the females.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION:  I see what you are saying.  As for a seperate room, do you simply put them on the floor in a room together, or what kind of area do you personally use?   And as for my other question, maybe 3 is too many, but would 2 females get along in a 125 gallon tank?  It is approx.  6 ft x 2 ft x 30" .

 The late Bill Mears of Borderview dragons kept a dragon room.  Th whole room was set up like a dragon habitat, with packed clay on the floor, logs, multiple basking areas, edible plants, zoo quality lighting, the works.  Also Dr. Tosney had a separate out building on her land that was similarly set up.
  All my adults each have a 55 gallon tank, except for 2 girls (out of 80 so far) that actually DO get along...females are just as territorial as males.  They are in a 125.  But they've been together since they were hatchlings and no other sister was allowed to be with them!  But I still look for signs of aggression.
 The mating ritual has been in my sunroom.  where, if the female is not interested, she can get away from the male, but I can scoop her up easily.