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Winter shutdown

22 14:44:06

I have quite a young Bearded Dragon, just over 9 months old. About 5 weeks ago she stopped eating completely and dug in under some leaves to go to sleep. I took her to the vet and had her stools checked, all clear. I am aware of winter shut down, but not at this age. Anyway, she has not eaten for 5 weeks and just sleeps all the time, she looks OK still alert if I get her out, head upright, eyes wide open, but she is now loosing weight, not lots, but a bit. Should I just leave her, or try something else?

 Nine months is young for brumation, but lately I've been hearing about a lot of juveniles trying to brumate like adults.  They really shouldn't because they still have another nine months of growing to do, but they just don't read the books!  Make sure when you have her out to give her water, you can also run her greens through a food processor and offer her the green water to give her some nutrition.  If she looses any more than 25 grams, I would have her checked by the vet and perhaps the vet will suggest Critical Care for omnivores, a liquid diet that you can give with a needleless syringe, it's like Ensure for reptiles.