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tail fell off

22 14:44:42

My iguana's tail fell off and i just bought it a couple days ago. It's a little scary to try to catch my iguana not only because it has a little stub but it sprints from one side of the cage to the other. How long will it take to grow the tail back. I've read that the tail won't have spikes when it grows a new one, and that is my favorite part of the iguana. Will the tail have the stripes it used to? It also needs to become more social but I'm letting it heal from the tail incident So I cant spend any time with it. I just want my iguana to look the same as it used to. Thank you, Spencer

Hi Spencer,
 If the tail dropped off, it will grow back but it probably won't be the same as the original tail.  There is a chance it may come back with stripes since it's a little baby.  He must be given a spectacular salad because he will be intent on regrowing his best weapon.  And I would continue handling him as soon as the nub is scabbed over, at least a half hour a day.  No baths for a week so the scab doesn't loosen.  Be gentle and soft with him as he recovers.
 I would like you to join a Yahoo Group that specializes in baby iguanas.  Many have had rescues with no tails and many whose igs had a little accident and lost some of the tail.  My own Aoife lost about 6 inches croc-rolling in her leash.  The 6 inches grew back but the color was a brownish grey color.  Then again she was over a year old when it happened.  The group is called Babyiguana and it is filled with people who really know their igs and can give you so much good information on having a great life with your new friend.