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New Uromastyx Owner - things going well, just a question or two!

22 14:28:54

Hi! Thanks for your time. My new Uromastyx, Sinbad, seems to be adjusting to life in his new tank very well. I've had him for about two weeks now and his activity level has increased as have his eating habits (the first few days he was on hunger strike, it seemed, but now that he's less jittery about the new housing and we actually got the temerature in his basking area right he seems okay in that department)... thing is, over the past day or three my girlfriend and I have noticed that his activity level hasn't necessarily dropped... just the time that he spends as an active lizard has diminished. He sleeps for 18+ hours/day. He's still eating fine and when he is awake everything is normal... but man can that boy sleep. ALSO I was wondering if in the wild Uromastyx are cave-dwellers... not that they live in caves exclusively, of course, but if instead of simply burrowing they actually seek out miniature cave systems to sleep in... I ask because I am considering building a small, subterranean, comfortably-cramped-yet-convenient cave system out of wood for Sinbad as a sort of bottom level to his tank... like, it would take up the bottom 2 inches and have two entrances on either side of the tank with plenty of hides inside. Again, I greatly appreciate your help!!!!!

Hello Tom, what are your temperatures at? Cool area, warm area, and absking spot? What are you using to measure the temperatures?

How long are your UV lights on?

And, where do you live?

Depending on your answers he may be thinking its time to brumate.

If he is eating and all of that normally then I dont see a big problem. THey are not necesarily active lizards. They do tend to sleep quite a bit.

As far as the cave, I am not positive how often in the wild they seek out cave structures for shelter but I know if its available they usually wont turn it down. Just make it comfortable for him and out of safe materials.

Good luck