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bearded dragons... :S

22 14:28:55

hi... ok... well ive had my dragon for about a year now... and she has laid eggs twice recently... so we seperated her from the male...

and i came home the other day to find nasty red rotten eggs... im guessing they have been there for weeks... :S

and now... she kind of laid more rotten eggs... but they are connected to her... so i mean... and it looks like its part of her insides coming out...??

what do i do??...
please i have no time.. and i dont know what to do with her...

she has become part of the family... we cant lose her... :(

Mona-I totally understand your feelings
My advice-Take her to a reptile vet asap

If you do not have one -do an online search in your state for vets and narrow it down to reptiles
There is nothing that you can do for her yourself at home

If she has prolasped from laying eggs it could well be fatal

Good Luck with her

I am very sorry for the late reply

Sandy aka LadyGecko