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Jackson Chameleons

22 11:51:55

A female chameleon was given to me...the owner didn't want it anymore, the chameleons lips top and bottom, had a cut and her lip color was black. She said to put Neosporine cream on it. Should I continue to put the cream on? And also I have a young male chameleon one side of his eye, when he close it looks like a bubble or bulge pops out, I dont know what to do, is there something I can give him?

Hi Claudine,

With chameleons you always have to weigh the benefit of treatment against the stress caused by the handling required to administer the treatment. If the area of the cut has dried over, is not leaking fluid or looking open or inflamed then I would be tempted to stop using it. It will likely take another shed or two before you see real improvement of the damaged area.

Regarding the male, with luck it might just be a little surface irritation. Holding him under a gentle shower stream to allow a thorough flushing of the eye can sometimes remedy the situation. Saline (for contacts) or any type of lubricating drops for human eyes can also be used to rinse and lubricate the eye.
Eye problems can sometimes be traced to a lack of vitamin A in the diet. Give your feeder insects a meal of shredded carrot or dark leafy greens before using them. Alternately, you can use a multi-vitamin a couple times a month. Choose one like RepCal, with beta-carotene as the vitamin A source. Plant based vitamin A does not run the risk of overdose.   

There is a duct behind the eye called the nasolacrimal duct that drains fluid from the eye to the roof of the mouth. When this duct becomes blocked fluid gets trapped behind the eye causing the eye to be pushed outward. Chameleons seem to suffer this problem more often then  other reptiles. If you are seeing general bulging around the eye then a vet is your best option.