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Eastern Collared Lizard

22 14:15:15


I have a 5 yr. old lizard and last night I noticed a lump under his chin. It's rather large and hard to touch. I think it's preventing him from eating. I'll attach a pic. as this may help. What do you suggest we do?

Hi John,
It looks like he has an abscess.
He does need to see a vet.  With reptiles, an abscess is filled with little bead like "things" and sometimes they will go away with an oral antibiotic, but in most cases it will need removed.  They generally cannot he drained like an abscess on other animals.
To find a qualified vet in your area you can go to
You may want to offer him some water from an eye dropper to keep him hydrated. You can also offer some baby food from a syringe or eye dropper.  Do get him to a vet.