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lost uromastyx

22 14:45:22

Help!  About 10 days ago I decided to let my lizard out for a run in the sun on our lawn.  I thought it was a good idea until he decided to run really fast and ducked into a hole that other animals had made under the concrete stairs.  I have no way of accessing this burrow but sealed it off anyway and have left food every other day but there is no sign of him. The temperature is getting colder every day, we live near Montreal but my biggest fear is that I think he may have found his way into the house, as I heard some strange noises coming from beteen the walls!  How do I get this creature to come out and do you think he can survive?

Hello Nancy, that is pretty unfortunate that he has hidden and wont come out. The only thing I can really recommend is hiring animal control to come out and try to find him. Offer a dish of water in the hole he climbed into and hope for the best. There really isn't much more you can do but I can tell you that I am sure there are plenty of insects for him and there must be some source of water. As for how to get him back I cant tell you. (But they can survive a couple weeks without food) Good luck I hope you can get him back. Sorry for your hopefully temporary loss.