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tail came off!

22 15:01:04

hi i have three fat tailed leopard geckos and one has been biting the other for a while and i woke up today and one is missing his whole tail and i was wondering why. I do not know if they are mating. Do you now what might be going on or what i should do? I do not now if it fell off or anything please respond ASAP    
                            thank you, julie

Hi Julie,
Since you know one is biting the other, its vital that you separate them ASAP, giving each their own space and set up.  A 20 gallon tank will do nicely for each one.   If you have 2 males together they will fight til death.  Many times even females do not get along.  With males and females they should be kept separate at all times other than the correct mating season for them.  One may have actually biten the tail off or may have held on to it and the other tried to get away which caused the tail break.
With one missing a tail you must get that one out of the company of the others now.  Use tile or paper towels as the substrate and be sure your humid hide has some other substrate other than a loose substance until the tail is healed.  You need to make sure that the one with the missing tail is fed very well...adding a few wax worms  a few times a week to help with building up the fat reserve...which all their fat is stored in their tails.  Be sure to use superworms and silkworms as its main diet as that they are better nutrition than mealies or crickets.  Do keep a very close eye on the end of the tail for any signs of oozing.  To find a vet that can treat reptiles, please go to  A vet check is vital if your gecko stops eating or acts lethargic or if the injury changes in anyway other than healing.
Please get them all separated ASAP..for the health and well being of all of them.  Geckos really do prefer to be alone.
I hope all goes well...please let me know how it goes!!