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red tail boa

22 14:22:07

My brother has a red tail boa that is about 6years old... The thing wont eat and hasn't eaten for 8 months... how on earth do you get it to eat. He also said the skin on its nose has grown over its nostrils. Does it have a disease or what? He tried different food, the temp is consistanct and correct, and force feeding it... nothing is working and he is afraid it is going to die if it doesn't eat soon...

Christy, let me start by saying I'm sorry if this comes off sounding angry, but I get questions like yours quite often, and frankly, they make me angry...

If your dog quit eating say 3 days ago and had it's nostrils plugged up with something or all it's hair fell out you'd take it to the vet right?  Yet, here is this animal which has lived with your family for 6 years, it's obviously sick, and you come online hoping for answers...  

Here's the answer, call a vet!  Your snake is sick and it needs to see a doctor.  If a snake can't smell, thats the same as you or I going blind.  And while the nostrils aren't paramount to his sense of smell they certainly are part of it.  Please get that animal the medical attention it needs soon.  Thanks and good luck!  BPC