Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > I have a few question about the care of a deformed yellow bellied slider turtle

I have a few question about the care of a deformed yellow bellied slider turtle

22 13:35:03

I work at a wildlife rescue center in Florida. I mostly care for mammals. A lady came in with a five year old female yellow bellied slider turtle with a deformed shell. The lady had taken the turtle to her vet because she could no longer keep her in hopes that the vet would take it. The vet said that she wouldn't take the turtle. I agreed to take the turtle because I felt bad for the her. I have called several other rescues and they have either refused to take the turtle because of her deformity or because she couldn't be released back into the wild. I know your basic turtle care. I've become fond of her and have decided to keep her. I want to know everything I need to in order to care for her like caging, food, heat rock ect. She can not close herself 100% in her shell because her shell is deformed is there any special care she will need? How long will she live?


Oh boy, well congrats on taking the turtle in as far as care is concerned the basics would be sufficient.  You will need a 60 Gallon tank, a submersible filter of proper size, a submersible heater of appropriate size which will be set at 75 degrees, and a basking spot where the turtle can haul itself out and completely dry off and which stays at 85 degrees.  Also the water will need to be changed each week.  I would not use any gravel or substrate at all.  Small feeder fish, crickets, meal worms, and commercially processed turtle food will all work.
The link above is for read eared sliders but will also work for yellow bellied as well.  

Hope this helps.

John F Taylor