Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > alligator/crocodile


22 14:09:05

QUESTION: I once heard that one of these reptiles cannot eat unless they are in water.  Is this true?

ANSWER: Hello Janis,

They normally do not eat unless they are in the water, or halfways in the water anyway.  
Why are you considering feeding some?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I had a friend that taught and said that a man came to school with animals and stuck his arm in an alligator (Or crocodile's) mouth and said it cannot taste unless there was water and his arm was comparable to a log as far as the reptile was concerned.  Just wondered if it was true.  We went to Florida and played golf.  Lots of alligators and I figured I would be safe if I stayed away from the water.

Hello Janis,

Well, I know they can taste food even if they are out of the water.  They have the rolling instict to drown their food in water so that is the primary reason for eating in the water.
The man who stuck his arm in the crocodile's mouth was nuts!  
Yes, they normally will not run after you on land.  Just be wary right on the waters edge though.
