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What is the best species of chameleon to purchase.

22 14:09:06

  I just recently converted my 120 gallon aquarium to a reptile habitat for a chameleon. I was wondering what species of chameleon is non aggressive. I do know that contact with all chameleon species should be limited but, i would like to purchase a chameleon which is my prone to becoming adapt to my presence and to become adapt to me feeding it by hand. Also i was wondering what is the best species of chameleons to breed in the captive.  

Personally, I've never raised chams myself, but a good friend, Dr. Ivan Alfonzo of Orlando had for many years.  Chams are fragile creatures and I would suggest a lot of research on the following two species, the Veiled Chameleon, and Jackson's Chameleon.  They are the hardiest of them and not that hardy.

If you never had a cham before, they say to get a juvenile or young adult rather than a baby to start.  

I have a link for Veiled Cham care to start you off,