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care for a stray turtle

22 15:00:20

Last night on my way out I found a turtle walking across a fairly busy street in Dayton, OH. I let him go in my backyard pond/garden temporarily. I saw him this morning hiding in the pond so he's ok for the moment. I need to identify him and figure out what to do next. His shell is about 6 inches long. He looks like the pictures of the red eared slider only he has a ton of red stripes on him. What do I do with him? does he need to be indoors? How can I identify him? What do I feed him? Is he safe outside?

Hi Lisa,

it sounds like a painted or red ear, it should be outside and is probably very happy to have found your pond,his diet includes aquatic plants, insects, snails, crayfish, tadpoles, small fish, and carrion (dead stuff). with the vivid red im sure it is a painted turtle more color than a slider,if you keep seeing him he may just stay painteds often travle to get to ponds with plants and muddy botttoms,

well i hope this was helpful let me no if you need more info
