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CWD shedding

22 13:36:27

Hello I recently got a chinese water dragon and it has been doing fine (eating well, drinking well, etc) It is young about 4 inches form snout to vent. it was a bright green color until I checked this morning and noticed it had turned a dull brown over night. His eyes look bright and I am wondering if this color change could be because he is starting to shed? He soaked all day in his pool area in his cage, so that is what also makes me think he could be shedding. His temps are normal(night 75 day 88 and he has a basking spot and coolside of tank) humidity 80 % etc. So my question is... Is it normal for a chinese water dragon to turn brown before or during their shedding?

 Brown is a sign of stress and it could be from suddenly being in a new home, which is normal, and it could be the beginning signs of shed, which is not comfortable.  If it is shed, the color will get lighter as the shedding layer lifts.  But if you've had your dragon for two weeks, time for a visit to the vet for a fecal test and a well-baby check-up.  Any stress can cause a rise in gut parasites which will need treatment.