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Princess- Leopard Gecko- Part 2

22 13:27:48

Just wanted to thank you for all your help. After doing everything we could we threw in the towel today and took her to the vet. We realized professionals are around for a reason, lets take advantage. It was a costly trip but one that will hopefully end well. It was $174 =( ugh. What we found out was that an x-ray showed that the leg was not broken, and there was no impaction. She thought the skin looked very red, Princess weighed in small at 39g. The doctor gave her an injection of calcium. She also gave us a broad spectrum antibiotic that we will inject every three days, over the next four weeks. Finally a calcium supplement with extra nutrients will be added to the solution i have been giving her. Its alot but she is worth it. It just shows that you can only do so much, i'll let you know how everything works out. Thanks again for all your help.

Hello Alisha,

GREAT, I wondered if it was going to be something nutritional related.  I guess her immune system is not up to par.  
At least nothing was broken though, that is good.  How is she doing this evening?
The calcium injection injection should help her a lot.  Just make sure she has a dish of calcium powder in her tank for her.
Keep me posted on how she is doing!
