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Bahamian Anole Pet

22 14:10:36

My bahamian anole i got  week ago is not doing anything... he is very unresponsive the much and barely moves, and it looks lke he sleeps a lot.. i give him cut up mealworms and he hasnt eaten anything it seems since i got him/her... i dont know what to do i think he or she may die of malnutrition if i dont find out why.. i think e is sick but i dont know. Please help me please please please!

Lance, return the anole to the store you got it from and ask them for help.  They sold it, they should be able to help.  My guess is that the animal was wild caught and never acclimated to captivity, as such it is too stresed to eat.  DOn't handle it at all until it is feeding.  and make sure the cage has plenty of hiding spots.