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How much do bearded dragon eat..

22 14:45:27

I want to get a bearded dragon (1 month) how much does he eat daily (i need a specific #). then how much do bearded dragons eat at juveniles. and then adults. P.S. i only want 1 bearded dragon...

Hello Abeek, 1 baby Bearded Dragon can eat up to 40 small crickets a day and can manage with 20 but no less, which as you can imagine can get pretty spendy. They do end up eating less as they get older however. A juvenile will still eat around 25-20 crickets. When they get older they can eat maybe 10 crickets a day but only every other day. They also need a salad (collard greens, dandelion greens, mustard greens etc.) offered fresh at all times. This is how they get most of their water. Any other questions or clarification just ask. Good luck!