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How to encourage our water dragon to eat...

22 11:53:46

This is a long question...possibly made longer by my uncanny ability to be long-winded...

Anyhow, we have a beautiful approx. 2 year old water dragon named "Mixie the Dinosaur". She's always been picky about what she'll eat. She never ate any fruits or veg offered to her. We tried pinkies and fuzzies - nope. We tried feeder fish...she loved watching them swim but never wanted to eat them. Crickets and meal worms were always her preference- that and the occasional super worm.

About 2 months ago I took her to the vet because I thought she had an upper-resp. infection...I was wrong! She had a bacterial infection in her mouth that was causing some discharge in her eye. So we did the round of injectable antibiotics and sub-cu fluids to avoid dehydration. We gave her repti-vite because she wasn't eating. We finally got her all cleared up.

However, we cannot get her to eat. We've been force feeding her waxworms and still giving her repti-vite. She shows absolutely no interest in eating. How can I encourage her to eat???

Sue,  I have heard picky eating dragon's so many times. I am so sorry your having this problem and is more common than you think. The only thing I can tell you is what I recommend to people at the store and it works almost every time. Try earthworms. You can get them at the pet shop. I have never met a dragon that could resist them. Hopefully this works for you !!!!! You may just be stuck  with a picky dragon. I would soak her in tepid water at least twice a week to avoid dehydration again. Let me know if it works for you I hope it does. Good Luck, Tina