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Bearded Dragon Molting

22 14:02:35

Hi I have a Adolescent Bearded and he is very alert and active. In the begining he let me hold him the past few weeks he jumps and rund when i touch the cage. He has been molting and i understand he is prob uncomfortable and does not want to be touched. If i do hold him it for less then a minute then he is all over the place and cant be controlled. Today he was laying around not very active. I picked him up and just layed in my hand. He just kept closing his eyes and looked like he had the hiccups every once and a while. I put him back and sprayed the cage and he just layed there with his tongue out. I picked him back up and he drank out of my palm. He then wouldnt let me put him back in his cage. I held him for 20 minutes, he layed in my palm eyes closed! I just pet his head the whole time which is so strange cuz he has not let me touch him barely the past two weeks. When i went to put him in he clung to my fingers and just closed his eyes again. He has one small patch of skin coming off behind his neck and other then that its all off. I know molting takes alot out of them and they get uncomfortable but i just want to make sure. The other big concern is this: He is a Hypomelanistic Red.... Has beautiful red and orange color but his tail all of a sudden is like a white with no color.Is this getting ready to shed too??  

Hello Carlena,

Can you send me a picture of him?  It sounds like he is getting ready to shed.  
What is your tank setup like?  What type & brand of UVB are you using, a flourescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  What type of basking light are you using, a bright white light or a colored light?
What are the temperatures in the tank?  What type of thermometer are you using, a stick on type, a digital probe or a temp gun?
What type of substrate are you using?  Sand, tiles, paper towels?
It is not recommended to mist the tank due to increasing the humidity too much & causing mold issues.  I suggest misting him outside of his tank.  
