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Corn Snakes Enclosures

22 15:01:26

what is the minimum size and temperature required for the enclosure?
also what materials are most commonly used to make the enclosures?


Encosures should be 10 or 20 gallon tank.
Temperature should be at: 76% degree for the cool end of the tank. The other end of the tank should be at: 86% degrees.

Food types is: small mices.

It should be 2 hiding boxes, flat stone for food andrubbing againest. Water bowl. Braches to climb on. that is can fit into the tank size.

So, I hope this helps you out on your enclosures of your pet corn snake.
If you have any other questions..please contact me or if you can't get through to me. Please contact my parnter ( Jim Coles at: ) He will be glad to help also.

Sincerely, Cece Ericson
Rattlesnake Museum Of
Albuqueque, New Mexico