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Iguana Eggs

22 14:40:36

I got an iguana from a pet store in Feb. of 2006, which I named Ivy. She was approximately 9 mo. to a year when i got her (she was cheap cause she had been returned many times and the last home she had caused her to drop her tail).  Through reading and general personality, I decided she was female...Well today that was all i have eggs..lots and lots of eggs.  How do I know when she is done laying them?  And while this question may seem strange, is there ANY possibility that they could end up being asexually fertilized? I have read a lot recently about different lizards never coming in contact with a male but ending up laying fertilized eggs.  Is she gonna get mad at me if i remove them? and do i just put them in the trash?  also, will she lay more the same time next year? Sorry so many questions, but thanks for your help.

Hi Briana, If all goes well they really should lay them all over the course of several hours. As to whether they could hatch, not a strange question at all. The process is called parthenogenesis and it occurs in a few species of smaller lizards and was recently discovered to occur in Komodo dragons. I have never heard of it occuring in green iguanas. I've included Melissa Kaplan's site on the topic of egg laying. Iguanas do not stay nearby to protect their eggs but she mentions that females can be competitive and protective over a nesting site. Just as a precaution you could remove the eggs while she can't see you. If there is no chance of fertility then they can go in the trash. You should be somewhat prepared for this again next year but it can also be a rather irregular event. you will need to supply extra calcium in her diet to replace the large amount she lost, the article will discuss helping your ig recover from egg laying.