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anole lizard eye problem

22 14:40:36

QUESTION: My two anole lizards (male and female) appear paler than usual, are lethargic, immobile (they stir when touched)and their eyes are not opening (for several days now).  They live in a 55 gallon tank with regular soil and common potted plants, which they have done very well with up to now.  Their tank has a UV light and lightbulb for heat.  Their diet is mealworms and crickets and their tank is misted regularly.

ANSWER: Hello Erika,

What type & brand of UVB are you using, a flourescent type of UVB or a compact or coil light?  How close is it to them?
How long have you had them for?
Some UVB lights are really bad so I do need to know the type & brand of UVB you are using as soon as possible.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


I use a GE Aqua Rays 20 watt fishtank UVB at the top of the tank.  Also supplement a 40 watt appliance bulb about 6" up from their sunning log (for additional heat).  I introduced the first female lizard to the tank 3-4 months ago.  The second (male) anole was introduced 6 weeks ago (both were purchased from the same place).  Yesterday the female lizard died.  The male is still hanging on, though his eyes are swollen and he's still limp he appears a tiny bit improved today.  He won't eat so I'm dropping diluted Exo Terra electrod3ize supplement on his mouth.  Ironically, on the day the female died, I found a hatchling-- unexpectedly-- it seems to be unaffected thus far and is eating dusted crickets already.

Hello Erika,

I am going to go out on a limb here, but for now, turn off the GE AQua Rays 20 watt UVB off for now.  I am not familiar with that UVB light & it is possible that it could be emitting harmful rays.  I am a member of a UVB discussion board & will try to find out about it.  
However, I have a feeling that if it is emitting harmful rays, it is poor quality of good UVB's.  That alone, will cause swelling of the eyes, & can cause death.
What type of supplementation are you using?  Anything with Vitamin A?  
How are you measuring the temperatures in the tank?  A stick on type of thermometer or a digital probe or a temp gun?  The stick ons are inaccurate as far as measuring the basking temps.  I recommend either a digital probe or a temp gun for better readings.  
You can make a feeder slurry out of crickets, diluted pedialyte, & calcium powder.  Try dropping that on his nose & see if he will take some of that.  

Let me know how things are going.
