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rescued bearded dragon

22 11:53:26

I just rescued a 6 year old male bearded dragon.The place I took him from did not have proper lighting, his aquarium was disgusting, he didn't have any water in the aquarium or a water bottle in site for misting, hadn't been given any crickets for a minimum of 3 weeks he is extremely dehydrated, emaciated, basically skin and bones. since i have had him, he has had a slurry made up of baby food(chicken,veggies and fruit) calcium and reptile vitamins. he is eating crickets dusted with calcium. He has been in a warm bath. Problems: he has not went to the bathroom yet, his tongue does not have a pink hue to it and he sticks it out a lot, might have a slight case of mouth not sure, and now i have a concern about his legs he doesn't try to walk on his feet he walks on the first joint. He can move that way but not very well. He's very lethargic, he doesn't hold his head up, and his eyes are closed pretty much all the time. I'm sorry for going on but I am extremely angry (to put it mildly) at the people I saved him from and very concerned about him and to top that off this is the first beardie I have had I just couldn't leave him there. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I wish I could give you better advice but my bet is he has MBD pretty bad as well as being dehydrated and half emaciated. You need to take him to a vet. Since he isn't able to pass waste you should continue to soak him in warm water (adding a small amount of betadine solution which you can pick up at walmart wouldn't hurt) as that will make it easier for him, also add a little mineral oil to his slurry just a little but it should cause him to potty. Thank you for taking in this poor little guy! If you can save him that would be wonderful, but remember if you loose him at least you cared enough to try, many people don't. Please let me know how it goes and I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful.