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leo and heating

22 14:10:49

QUESTION: hello Tracy
I have 2 leos in separate tanks, I have heat mats and infra red lamps that are thermostat controlled. What I would like to know is do I need both mat and lamp and if so how much paper layer ( I wont use sand as I have lost a Leo to this) do I need to put over the mat? I have contacted your experts before when I was having no luck with a breeder that sold me a young Gecko and it was impacted, I had no idea what was wrong and the breeder never told me to seek help that the gecko was okay and was probably eating his own poo. from the advice I got from you lovely people i Immediately took him to the vets, it was too late he was totally impacted with sand.Back to my question can you help please
many thanks Ros

ANSWER: Hello Rosalyn,

Oh I am sorry you lost a leo to sand impaction.  Unfortunately, too many breeders use sand & then they are passed on to owners impacted already.  :-((
If you are using a heat mat, or undertank heater, just use felt, one layer to cover that end with the heat mat.  Then, put the cave over the felt & he will sit on top of the felt & wont get burned.
The felt makes a great liner for the bottom of the tank & you can get green or other colors.  Just cut it to fit the tank.  
Yes, you will need a heat mat along with a low wattage basking bulb to help the hot side have a focused basking spot of or around 88-90 while maintaining a cooler end of 78-82 or so.  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Tracy
thanks for your reply can I ask you another question please? My adult Leo is looking okay fat tail etc but he doesn't seem to want to eat as much now the odd meal worm and cricket and he only "poo's" every 2 to 3 days
he isn't on sand as I have explained so is there any other way of possible impaction? he is on kitchen towel and has a moist hide which he loves and would be in it all day if I left him!am I being too cautious now since I lost the other one to impaction
many thanks Tracy
regards from Ros

ANSWER: Hello Rosalyn,

No problem!  :-))
I don't blame you for being cautious, it is to be expected after what you have had to go through previously.
The only thing that could impact him would be too large of crickets perhaps.  Is he drinking enough water?  Do you give calcium powder a few times per week too?
The thing is adults just tend not to eat quite as much as babies & juvies do.  Maybe try feeding him every other day instead of daily, that could help.  You could try to look into getting either some phoenix worms or butterworms for some variety.

Just keep a close watch in his fat reserves.  As long as his stools are not runny & smelly then he should be fine & shouldn't have worms or parasites.  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Can you help me again please with regard to basking lamps I read about sunglo lamps as well as infra red which is better for the leos please in your opinion? thanks for the advice you have just given and Gomez has had a "POO"!at last and he does seem to be okay no smelly or runny stuff!
What would I do without your help you are a saviour!
regards from Ros

Hello Rosalyn,

Well, the Sunglo lamps would probably get the tank too hot as they are higher wattages.  I would pick either a regular household lightbulb, like a 30-40 watt, or the infrared would be fine.  Put it on the end with the undertank heater to get the basking temps to the optimal degrees.
Great that his stool was better last night!  So, it did not have any smell then, maybe his system is starting to try & kick the parasites or worms, out.  
I am glad that I was able to help you.  Let me know how he is doing.
